Live this minute. Let what you do this minute be your life's purpose.. What God chose to expose you to "this minute" is the perfect experience.. don't wait for anything or anyone to provide you with "feeling" for your moment.
What is meant to come will come. Be the container for it to come. Be the space for it to happen. Be the space, don't live a "chase"!
Yours is the perfect situation... what will come, however good, is just the "icing" on your already perfect cake.
Feel the moment.. feel the moment... feel this moment.. spend time with yourself.. build firm roots in yourself.. You nourish yourself with the care, love and tenderness it deserves. Hold it- like you would a dear child-when in distress... smile at its shortcomings like you would a smile to a baby tripping while taking its first steps....Be firm with it as would a compassionate mother discipline her child..
Allow yourself to be... to feel..
Allow it to feel the perfection in Allah's creation... the perfection in the diversity. The perfection in every smile... in every success...The perfection in every mistake.. in every shortcoming.. in every weakness.. in every painful episode..
Nothing in this universe was not carefully calculated. Nothing in this universe is not in its perfect place. Every person, every habit, every trait, every fault, every perfection, every failure, every good deed, every sin, every moment of rejoice, every moment of regret...
What a miracle it is that lies within each one of us. What miracle it is that lives in each flow of breath that I take, each bite of my nails, each scratch on my skin.. each blink of my eye!!
Let us just live the miracle!
Live what you are meant to live... Don't question... Relinquish the desire to to explain.. Relinquish the desire to find a reason.
If you fall into a swamp get out... flap your wings. Let go of the past. Splash its waters off your feathers as a duck would dry itself, and return to the only point of reality.. NOW
Live the repentance..feel the forgiveness.. Let your look to the world be inside out ..don't look outside in..
"in" is one.."out" is too many..
As you look out, pay attention to the good. Disregard the negative..remember... Attention is food... so...feed only that which you wish to grow.. and what you don't feed will die..
Mahatma Ghandi is quoted as saying:"As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the being able to remake ourselves!"
But the key to transformation is not to "be" something else. Stop your seeking and searching, for that sort of perfection is neurotic and impossible. Your real perfection is to relax into yourself-into being yourself completely; accepting your "flaws" and humanity exactly as they are.
Non-resistance, non-judgment and non-attachment are the 3 aspects of true freedom and enlightened being.
Don't be tempted to try harder to be perfect, try harder to accept your imperfection!
People don't lose respect for you if they find out you're only human..chances are, they'll be relieved, and feel more able to relax in your company.
Think how simple your life would be if you eliminated the impossible things -the things that probably weren't meant to be anyway- and concentrated on doing what works.
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